Michael Kamyshanskij

Michael Kamyshanskij 1955 - born in Baku, Azerbaijan
1973 - 1978 - study from the Moscow Higher School of Industrial and Applied Arts (the former Stroganov School)
Since 1977 - is a regular participation of exhibilions
1979 - member of the Youth Artists' Union of Russia
Since 1989 - member of the Artists' Union of Russia
2002 - laureate of 1 degree for the compelition "Search and Experimenl in Arl"(Kaluga)
2002 - diploma of II degree, Aphanasy Kulikov’s reward
2003 - I position in regional competition "Kaluga’s Best Souvenir"
diploma of the Department of Development of Kaluga,s Region
2004 - laureate of I degree for the competition "Search and Experiment in Art"(Kaluga)
The works are exhibited al the of the Artists' Union of Russia, the Slate Museum of Space Exploration, at the private collections in Finland, Germany, Australia, Holland, USA
Major projects and interiors:
- the ceramic relief in the hall of the pond indoor pool in Worotynsk
- the relief in the interior of the medical building of the camp "Sokol" in Kaluga
- the interior of the restaurant of Moscow University
- the frescoes in the church in Kaluga
- the memorial of the victims of the airplane crash (in Kirov)

1978 - II All-Union art exhibition "The Sculpture of Small forms"
1979 - XVI All-Union art exhibition of the student's graduation works of Art Universities (Leningrad)
1979 - Art exhibition of the student's graduation works of Art Universities in Prague (Czechoslovakia]
1979 - All-Union art exhibition "Blue Roads of our Motherland"(Moscow)
1979 - IV All-Union art exhibition "Physical Culture and Sport in Art", (Moscow)
1980 - All-Union art exhibition "Sport-the Ambassador of Peace" XX Olympic Games, (Moscow)
1980 - V zonal exhibition in Ryazan
1981 - All-Russia art exhibition "Over the Native Land", (Moscow)
1982 - All-Union art exhibition of the young artist's works "The Young Country", (Moscow)
1983 - IV Republican art exhibition "The Sculpture of Small Forms", (Moscow)
1985 - VI zonal exhibition in Kostroma
1986 - All-Union art exhibition "Space on the service of the World", (Moscow)
1987 - Republican art exhibition "Young Russia", (Moscow)
1988 - All-Union art exhibition, (Moscow]
1988 - "The Russia-American art exhibition of Space Exploration in Moscow
1991 - All-Union art exhibition "Sculpture - 91", (Moscow]
1992 - Gallery "Bailie" in Ulm (Germany]
1994 - The International Fair "Brussels - Heureka 94", in Brussels (Belgium] 1994 - Gallery "DIX", ã. Õåëüñèíêè (Finland)
1994 - Gallery "E", in Lahti (Finland)
1995 - The International Fair, in Leipzig (Germany)
1995 - International exhibition, in Sydney (Australia]
2000 - All-Russia art exhibition "Autumn", [Moscow]
2001 - Art exhibition "Golden Palette", in Helsinki (Finland]
2002 - Personal exhibition, in Kaluga

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and supported by
CenterTelecom Kaluga